Adorned Adorned

What Does Joy Look Like When You Suffer?

It’s a decision to rejoice in spite of your circumstances—in spite of your suffering. Sorrow and joy can coexist. You can be completely discouraged and exhausted and still talk to God, and even be honest and cry out to God as King David in the Old Testament did sometimes, and then say to Him, I choose joy. It may involve being still and sitting with God in your grief while tears flow until serenity washes over your soul.

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Adorned Adorned

Living Free from the Inner Shame of Mental Illness

Have you ever felt shame over your mental disorder? I have. I didn’t notice it until 2019 when I was reflecting on my life with bipolar disorder. The hidden shame deep down inside brought tears to my eyes. Most people who know me well would never suspect it.

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Adorned Adorned

Do Scriptures on Anxiety Really Help Reduce Anxiety?

Hi friend, are you struggling with anxiety today? Anxiety has multiplied exponentially in our country in recent years. As you well know, Covid-19 and its variants have triggered an increase in anxiety for many of us. But also, simply the pressures of life, a genetic predisposition toward anxiety, a background of anxiety producing experiences, and other things you know are true for you, produce anxiety.

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Adorned Adorned

My Story

Hello friend! I have a special message for anyone of you who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. And to you, my reader, who is checking out my blog for the first time, please take some time to listen to my story.

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