When to Give Up and Not to Give Up

Dear friend, do you want to give up on life today? Are you at the end of your rope, having exhausted all your options?

Are the tears falling? Do you feel sad, blue, and gloomy?

I don’t have an easy answer for you today.

But I can say that sometimes God uses those times in my life when I am desperate, to turn to Jesus and say, “I can’t do it on my own anymore. I need You.”

I’ve said that to God many times throughout the years of living with bipolar disorder.

It’s good not to rely solely on your own abilities. In Chapter 15 of the book of John, Jesus said to his disciples, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”

After my boyfriend (who is now my husband) exposed me to his radically committed Christ-centered life when I was starting my senior year in High School, I struggled with whether to live my Christian life as usual or go all out for Christ. So, I knelt at my bedside one night and told God, I give up. I can’t live the Christian life on my own. In other words, I surrender.

I began to experience more peace, power, and purpose—so said like a preacher--but these were true results in my life most days as I replaced my inability to live the Christian life with His indwelling presence inside me.

Fast track to now. I don’t say that every day, but I have that mindset that without Him I can do nothing—nothing of any spiritual significance.

Circle back to my beginning words about what mood you are in today. Do you feel a desire to literally give up on living your life on this earth? Think about it with foresight. Know these truths. You are valuable. The world needs you. You have something to offer that no one else can, even if you think you’re a burden or you’ll never get better. Even if you find no reason whatsoever to continue a miserable existence.

So. Much. Pain. No hope. You cry out to God and find no answers.

Don’t keep your feelings hidden from an adult you trust. Let her know what pain you’re in.

Continue to seek God through His Son Jesus. An ancient biblical writer once said that if you seek God you will find him if you search for him with all your heart. Ask God to lead you to someone who can help you find a professional who can counsel you if you don’t already have one.

If you do have a temptation to commit suicide and fear you are only a step away from impulsively taking your life, think about the consequences. Think of what you could miss out on. Your relationships with those you love. A chance to bless others with your life, and, be blessed by others God can bring your way to help you. A chance for God to answer prayers and lead you to a greater quality of life.

So, know that giving up living life in your own strength and efforts spiritually is a good thing. John 15 says you will bear much fruit—Christlikeness--and all that goes with it.

But giving up on life itself is never a valid option. So never, ever, ever give up on living. Dear friend, I’m praying for you as I write.

These are ways to contact someone for help:

  1. Call the new National Suicide Prevention Lifeline—988--which is now called Suicide and Crisis Lifeline--available 24/7

  2. Test HOME to 741741 to communicate by text with a crisis counselor


When You Feel Alone


Let’s Move