What’s the Big Deal About Music and Mental Health?

Do you love music? I do! All kinds, especially Christian contemporary songs and hymns. My mother loved hymns and feared that this new generation of millennials would grow up without them. It would be a surprise for her to know that many millennials go to churches that worship with hymns. But what does this have to do with mental health?

Personally, Christian music calms me when I have anxious thoughts, and anxiety is consuming me. One day, I drove eight miles into town, and my mood was so low I felt defeated. But when I turned on my Christian radio station, the music soothed me, and the truths about God’s love and faithfulness lifted my spirits and brought joy back into my heart. True, Christian radio doesn’t appeal to some Christians, and you might prefer other music sources, and maybe it grates on your nerves when it’s peppered with songs you don’t even relate to, but that day, God used it in my life to bring me peace and focus my thoughts on God.

The late Christian psychiatrist, Dr. Frank Minirth, claimed that listening to Christian music decreases anxiety. I’ll bet that’s true for you. I have a playlist on my phone that I listen to with earpods when I’m walking or when I’m sitting on the sofa in the evening, and I just don’t want to turn on a Netflix series or read a book or add any more information or entertainment into my life. Sometimes I just want to draw close to God and find peace, and that’s the way I find it. One night last fall, I googled “Oh Holy Night”—that’s right! Not even at Christmas time. I don’t know what possessed me to seek out that song! Anyway, I listened to it twice and it created awe and peace within me.

Let’s talk about what kind of music besides Christian music impacts mental health. When I googled types of music that foster mental health, I found this info:

Five positive effects music has on your mental health

  1. Elevate your mood and motivation

  2. Reduce stress

  3. Improve focus

  4. Help relaxation

  5. Reduce anxiety and depression

According to a study by Dr. David Louis-Hodgson of Mindlab International, he found that instrumental, classical, or ambient music reduces anxiety.

Of course, all kinds of music can lift your spirits, but, back to Christian music, I’m talking about increasing hope and peace that you are going to be okay because God is in control.

Not all the words to Christian songs and hymns have accurate theology, so I realize I must be alert and check scripture if the words don’t ring true.

So where do we go to locate Christian songs that would strengthen and encourage us to face the troubles of our lives and focus our minds on the goodness and sovereignty of God? Obviously, if we attend a church, we are exposed to Christian songs or hymns or both. Also, you may have grown up with hymns and choruses like I did, and they just come to mind during the day or night.

Here are some recommendations:


  • Be Still My Soul

  • It is Well with My Soul

Songs that you can find on Youtube or add to your playlist:

What music or songs do you like to listen to that bring you comfort or peace? Please let me know.

- Marilyn


The Value of Worship


Finding Hope When You are Discouraged