What Are The Benefits of Praising God?

Lately I’ve been thinking about the need for praise in my life. Not praise of myself or others but praise of God.

You might already be incorporating praise in your spiritual life way more than I have been. I’m heavy on thanksgiving but light on praise.

It may be very difficult to praise God when we’re suffering or questioning why we’re feeling so mixed up or messed up and asking if God really cares.

I don’t remember praising God during my times of major depression, though I spent time with Him in His Word, prayer and worship.

My definition of praise is speaking words of adoration to God or to the Lord Jesus in our private communication with Him or words to others. However, according to Dr. Ronald Allen who is a scholar in Old Testament Hebrew language, praise is vocal and best expressed out loud or in a setting with other believers who worship with songs of praise.

How can praise change our lives? I don’t want to recommend it as an added “to do” that creates more guilt if we don’t feel like praising God at all. But it is a command, and it has great benefits. By command, I mean that a great many Psalms in the Old Testament say something like this one in Psalms 135 verse 3: “Praise the Lord for the Lord is good; sing praises to His name for it is lovely.”

What are some benefits?

It focuses me on God

It reminds me of His attributes and His character

It glorifies God and pleases Him

It draws me closer to God

It can lead to more joy

Is it egotistical of God to command us to praise Him? No, because He is worthy. He is humble. Jesus, who is God in human form exemplified humility. Chapters 4 and 5 in the last book of the Bible—Revelation--describe the praise God is worthy of.

Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed, and were created.” (Chapter 4, verse 11)

So, can we praise Him when our mental illness creates a barrier between us and God? That’s between you and God, and He is patient with us when we are unable to. But we might ask Him to enable us in the middle of our depression or pain to find the words.

Lord, I don’t understand why I’m suffering, but You do.

I worship You.

I praise You for Your steadfast love.

You are holy.

You know all things when I don’t.

You are righteous.

You are faithful.

You are kind.

As the Psalmist says, Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

Praise changes our lives. And it may be changing yours by pointing you Godward when you need it the most.

I’m praying for you and me as I’m writing this morning, that we will find the words to praise God today. Dwight was diagnosed with a disease called ALS back in September. I’m busy caring for him and we covet your prayers for us. I’m no longer finding time to write my posts, so I am posting a couple more that I have already written after the holidays, and then I will stop blogging. I can’t say if I will start it up in the future, but I will leave all my blog posts on my website indefinitely.

If you would like to pray for us, please send me a message letting me know, and I will convey that to Dwight. Right now, we are looking into the new ALS drug recently approved by the FDA. It slows down the process of ALS in some cases but is not a cure. Thank you for the blessing of allowing me to speak words of encouragement into your life. Though life is difficult for everyone, praising God is one of the best ways to navigate the Christian life. So, I will praise Him in the storm.

- Marilyn


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