Speaking Love Into Your Life

How are you today my friend?

How are you doing in the ups and downs of your mental health journey?

Today, I want to speak love into your life. The best way to do that is to know, to truly know deep inside how much God loves you. Maybe you don’t feel it. But He knows every beautiful thing about you, and also, every way you fall short of His desire for you to love Him.

You don’t have to be perfect. God is the only one who is. Do you struggle with perfectionism like me? I want to never fail, never hurt anyone’s feelings, and have it all together. But as someone said to me, nobody’s got it all together.

I discovered a verse in Isaiah 40:11 that gave me a picture of how tenderly God cares for me.

Like a shepherd He will tend His flock, In His arms He will carry the lambs and gather them in His bosom….

The Bible Knowledge Commentary says:

“God was [is] also pictured as a tender Shepherd… who carefully carries and leads the weak and helpless members of His flock.”

This is to be fulfilled in the future reign of Christ, but also in Jesus, the Good Shepherd.

When I read this, the image of Jesus carrying me, as His little lamb, in His bosom (nestled right up against His chest) makes me feel so loved, so comforted, so safe.

What are you battling today? Is the sun shining, or is it dark and stormy?

Whatever the case, you are loved. You are held.

Take a break from the busyness of life for a few minutes. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Think on this truth expressed in the New Testament that God wants you to know how high, how deep, is the love of God.

Dwell on the words of truth in Romans 8:38-39:

For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Do you feel unlovable? Does your mental illness cause you to erect a barrier around your heart so that you won’t be hurt by others?

Others will fail to constantly express their love to you, and I know it’s unrealistic to expect them to, but when that happens, we can count on the unconditional love of Jesus, who never rejects us like others inevitably do at times because no one is perfect. Even if you have a close family, times of hurt and disappointment will occur, especially in marriage, and often unintentionally. Communication is key.

But when we feel alone, we can always fall back on, count on, rely on the only One who loves us perfectly.

If you don’t feel that, dwell on the lovingkindness of God who sent His only Son to die for you. Sometimes we are resilient warriors needing God’s strength. Other times we are lost and fearful tiny sheep, needing His care. Jesus holds you and nestles you close to His heart.

God spoke to the prophet Zephaniah in the Old Testament a tender and amazing picture of God’s love. It’s so incredible it’s still hard for me to imagine God singing over me.

The Lord God is in your midst,

a mighty one who will save;

he will rejoice over you with gladness;

he will quiet you by his love;

he will exult over you with loud singing.

Be assured, dear friend, that you are loved.

- Marilyn


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