How Can I Find Peace?

Peace can be so elusive can’t it! When I have anxious thoughts swirling in my head, sometimes I have to fight for peace, as it dawned on me one night as I was sitting on the sofa in my dimly lit living room. I had anything but a peaceful mind.

Why do I have to fight for peace? What do you struggle with when you experience turmoil? When you are middle of a storm in life? It’s very difficult when you’re in a crisis isn’t it. But also, in the everyday mundane periods when your heart is not at rest.

What is peace?

The Hebrew word for peace is shalom which means wholeness. A google definition defines peace as mental calm and serenity.

  1. When I have a lack of peace, I pray, which is defined as talking to God. I ask Him for peace—to quieten my heart.

  2. Another tactic I use is meditation on scripture.

By the way, I know these may be very obvious to you, but they are my first line of defense against anxiety.

One of the scriptures is short, so it’s easy to remember:  In Me you have peace. In the world you have tribulation. Take courage, I have overcome the world.

When I commuted to my job in my twenties in Portland, Oregon, I listened to a radio program that began and ended with a song:

“Peace give I to you, Peace give I to you. Not as the world gives, give I to you.
Peace give I to you.”

Just listening to the soothing music and words right out of the Bible calmed me when I thought about the responsibilities that awaited me at work.

The scripture in this song is based on the gospel of John, chapter 14, verse 27: Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled nor let it be fearful.

3. Relinquish control of your life to your loving, faithful and wise and powerful God.

As someone said, I am not the general manager and controller of the universe. He is! You can trust Him to take care of you when your life is spinning out of control.

Don’t think I’m saying what others might have said to you: “Just trust the Lord, and your anxiety will go away.” Or, “Have more faith.” There is a nugget of truth in those words, but they minimize the severity of our worry, fear, and anxiety.

So, talking to God, meditating on His words that bring peace, and giving Him control of your life are spiritual ways to find peace.

Also here are a few tips that might work for you:

  1. Identify how you feel and what specifically you’re anxious about and the root and the trigger. There is power in naming things.

  2. Take a walk so that you can “get out of your head.”

  3. Go to a quiet place in your house where you can retreat in solitude.

  4. When you are having difficulty falling asleep, deep breathe (I box-breathe), and focus on a beautiful, peaceful image of a time and place where you were at complete peace. Avoid complex problem solving.

  5. Listen to peaceful Christian music or instrumental music.

I want to close with a blessing you may be familiar with:

May the Lord bless and keep you. May the Lord lift His countenance upon you and be gracious unto you and give you peace.

What are some ways that you find peace?

- Marilyn


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